Creativity: Is it in all of us?

Posted by: Guest on March 28, 2011 10:32 am

I am very excited to be writing my first blog entry for Counselling Connect.  Every two weeks I’ll be bringing you information and opinions about Creative Arts Therapies including best practices, tips, techniques and news from the art therapy community in Canada and around the world.  Many people in the counselling field have heard of art therapy but are still not quite sure what it entails.  I look forward to sharing this wonderful and creative therapeutic modality with all of you.

Art therapists help individuals explore their feelings and emotions using a variety of materials.  In my practice, clients have the option of choosing paints, pastels, markers, clay, fabric, collage materials and repurposed every day objects amongst other things. They often begin with art materials they are comfortable with but with gentle encouragement, others begin to explore new ways of expressing themselves.  It is often an enlightening, exciting and safe experience for clients.

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